The Short
To bring a high quality, tool powered fastener range to the New Zealand market at an affordable price. However, since we started back in that Auckland garage we have grown to represent much, much more.
We now offer a full range of loose nails, coil nails, screws, bolts & nuts, pre nail plant systems and gas cell nail packs with high quality tools to complement the range. We are nation-wide and currently one of the only “supply to the merchant” fastening companies to have a warehouse in the south island.
The Long
ECKO Fastening Systems is a 100% kiwi owned & operated company specialising in innovative systems that helps builders, manufacturers and industry customers in this competitive Fastening market.
ECKO was founded in 2000 from a small garage in Howick, Auckland. The first 12 months was a huge challenge, starting from nothing and unsure which direction the company should go, we picked up our first furniture manufacturing customer in 2001. From there the focus was furniture industry for the next 3 years, and this gave us our initial foundation of the business of ECKO in early stage.
After that, ECKO started to grow rapidly into pallet, bedding, trellis, prenail and window manufacturers between 2003 and 2008. We did this by offering top trade quality tools, better production systems, production training and “how to” information sharing. But as we grew we were aware of a huge market that ECKO had little or no influence on, the merchant/retail market.
In late 2008, ECKO introduced the first joist hanger nailer to New Zealand, the PN38 joist hanger nailing system had huge potential as it saved builder up to 80% of their labour costs while installing joist hangers and strap bracing. With this new tool and fastener range ECKO became a leader in this small but important market, but the big advantage of this product was it gave ECKO space on the merchant shelf and important contacts in the retail market.
In 2012, ECKO developed the first HAMMAHAND® weatherboard nailing solution; this system is able to cover up to 80% of manual hammering applications such as: underlay, cavity batten, fencing, decking, ply bracing, weatherboard & all the James Hardie building products. It proved to be an easy solution for the builders to make their job easier, increased productivity, but most importantly you got a consistent nail driving result every time you pulled the trigger. This system combined with our light weight compressor made the ECKO Hammer Hand system the most popular nailing solution on the New Zealand market.
Since 2010, and as a bit of a side project, ECKO released a small range of gas driven gun nails to the market. Using contacts made from the PN38 joist hanger nailer, the 90mm bright and 90mm galv framing nail packs were sold to the merchant market. ECKO commits significant time and resources developing our range of products to make builders jobs easier. In July 2015 after a lot of financial commitment, ECKO finally released a MultiCell® that will work in most framing and concrete nailing tools.
The MultiCell® has opened up the merchant market and (with our large product range) now we are able to compete with the big overseas companies on a level playing field.
Now, with this new gas cell, HAMMAHAND® series, industry manufacturing products and quality range of fastening tools, ECKO have a full range of fasteners and compete in every fastening market in the country.
Health & Safety
Here at ECKO Fastening Systems we hold Health and Safety as the number one priority in everything we do and our long-term goal.
The safety and wellbeing of all team members is an integral and vital part of the successful performance of our operation. We consider no job is so important or urgent that time cannot be afforded to perform each function safely. Health & Safety procedures will be continually reviewed and updated in our company systems.